Bonjour, hej hej!
It’s been a while since I’ve travelled. Actually, it’s been a while since I’ve visited a new place and just explored at all. Last January I did something I wish I’ve done sooner, but eh! Life is life and things always follow a pattern and a flow. And you know what, of course it was amazing to do it right there and then — we escaped the January cold by going to Fuerteventura, just for a week.
The pandemic has made me live life passively for far too long. In more ways than I’d like to admit I’ve been living on auto-pilot, waiting for things to get better. I have used a lot of excuses to not get dressed properly, style my hair, not plan outings or to not pursue certain hobbies. This trip, but mostly this spring and all the pretty blossom around the neighbourhood has invigorated me.
Recently I have started a new job, did spring cleaning, got myself some new items to put effort in my appearance again — yes we’re in control of so little, but there’s so much more to live out there and I don’t want to give up on more than I should or need to.
I wish for you that this spring you will feel inspired to eat that pizza, to get those pair of shoes, to call that friend and to stop and smell the roses. And for myself, I wish the same. Let’s take it step by step.