
Hi, pleased to meet you!
Thank you for stumbling upon my personal blog. 00:23am [twenty-three am] is mainly intended for my personal recollection. I love taking photos more than anything. I take photos to remember, and I write to understand myself better. I blog to be able to look back on things and moments in time. As a rather forgetful and nostalgic person, I made this blog about the things that make me feel the feels. These days I’ve made every post of the last 12 years private, except one or two. I hope for this to become a place of recollection, contemplation and… memories? I’d like to think that this blog is my love letter to life.

My name is Marloes, but I also go by Louise or anything like Marilou, Marlu, Marlowe (etc, etc). I’m a travel enthusiast, art aficionado and fan of all kinds of food. Sometimes I can be a bit of a snob but I’m always eager to learn about anything and everything. Most of the time I feel a little lost in life. During uni I studied Cultural Heritage and it has been my soft spot ever since. I’m intrigued by cultural differences, aesthetics and things that other people would probably call “old junk”. Japan has captured my heart and will forever travel back and forth. One day however, I’ll own a country house in France (maybe some place by the beach?) and open it up to receive guests from all over the world. I’ll sit on the porch watching the sun go down, as an old lady in a pretty sundress philosophising about life.


Every photo on this website is mine, unless otherwise stated. If you’d like to use anything, I’d very much appreciate it if you’d drop me a line. Please do link back at me at all times.

A little remainder from back in the days of the blogosphere: find my blogroll here.

Find me elsewhere.
You can also find me on various social media, like Instagram, or Letterboxd. You can find my links in the top-right of the page.
Or contact me through 0023am [@] gmail.com